Friday, September 10, 2010

School is here again!

So... I started school back. I'm excited and scared at the same time. I'm excited that I am almost finished and scared because I have spent most of my life up to this point attending SOME school. The funny thing is I have spent the same amount of time in College than I have spent going through Elementary, Middle, and High School. At this point I should of had 2 bachelors and a masters, but who cares! I can not say that I regret one thing about college, I have made many friends and had many opportunities at IUS.

I also was worried because my financial aid had not come thru yet. Since I had not worked during the 2009 because I was laid off, I had to fill out extra paperwork, and write a paragraph about how I had supported myself during the year. I did that and wrote another paragraph letting them know that I did currently have a part time job, but I could not pay for school out of pocket and I only had 4 classes left. I also stated that by me finishing up in May, I would be able to find full time employment having completed a degree. Well, they gave me a grant that paid for the full amount of this semester and will cover next semester too. I could not be more excited! I have had grants and scholarships before but not any that covered the full amount. God herd my prayers and a took a load off my back.

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